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 [ 86 post(ov)a ]  Stranica Prethodna  1 ... 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9  Sljedeća
Autor Poruka
 Naslov: Re: Istraživanja o električnim cigaretama
PostPostano: 17 ruj 2014 09:37 

Pridružen: 23 svi 2013 20:01
Postovi: 4308
Lokacija: Zagreb, Šalata
14 Electronic Cigarette Studies That Shame the Critics

Lack of research is one of the biggest myths we hear from e-cigarette critics. Many people assume that e-cigs have not been studied in detail because the research is not heavily published by the main stream media. However, there have already been many clinical trials and research projects conducted that found promising results for e-cigarettes. Here is a look at some of the most important studies we have seen to date.

1) Secondhand Vapor Contains Nicotine, But No Combustible Toxins

The Oxford Journal published a study in December 2013 where scientists looked at what toxins might be in secondhand vapor. They found that e-cigs have no combustion related toxins present in the vapor and only a small amount of nicotine was found in secondhand vapor. Researchers concluded that more studies were needed to determine if there was any risk involved with secondhand nicotine exposure.

2) E-Cigs Do Not Stiffen the Arteries

The Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center in Greece compared the impact of e-cigarettes and tobacco cigarettes on heart function. The researchers discovered that smoking even two tobacco cigarettes will cause the aorta to stiffen, but e-cigarettes caused no difference to the aorta and no stiffening of the arteries.

3) Flavored E-Liquids Help Smokers Stop Using Tobacco

Dr. Konstantino Farsalinos headed up a study to determine whether flavored e-liquids had any impact on the success rate of smokers seeking to quit. He concluded that e-liquid flavoring “are important contributors in reducing or eliminating smoking consumption.”

4) Smoking Kills, and So Might E-Cig Regulation

Dr. Gilbert Ross, medical and executive director of the American Council on Science and Health offered a comprehensive report on e-cigarettes, concluding that e-cigarettes are much healthier than tobacco cigarettes according to common sense. He suggested that regulating e-cigs could be a deadly decision for public health.

5) E-Cigs Are Effective for Smoking Cessation and Prevent Relapse

Researchers at the University of Auckland and the University of Geneva studied the impact of e-cigarettes on former smokers. They concluded that e-cigs could prevent former smokers from relapsing into tobacco use and they could effectively help current smokers quit.

6) E-Cigs Are Not a Gateway to Tobacco Use Among Teens

Dr. Ted Wagener from the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center studied the impact of e-cigarette use on 1,300 college students. He discovered that only one person that first used nicotine in the form of e-cigs went on to start smoking tobacco cigarettes. He concluded that e-cigs were not a gateway to tobacco use.

7) E-Liquid Has No Adverse Effects on Heart Health

The International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health published a study on how e-liquids impact heart cells. After testing 20 different e-liquids, the researchers concluded that vapor had no adverse effect on cardiac cells.

8) E-Cig Use Has No Impact on the Oxygenation of the Heart

Dr. Konstantino Farsalinos studied how e-cig use impacted oxygenation of the heart. He concluded that vaping had no impact on oxygen supply and coronary circulation. These findings were revealed at the European Society of Cardiology Annual Congress in Amsterdam in 2013.

9) E-Liquids Pose No Concerns for Public Health

Professor Igor Burstyn of Drexel University School of Public Health studied e-liquids to determine if the chemicals in e-liquid could be dangerous. He refuted all the most widespread health concerns about e-liquids (P.s. Thanks Reddit!).

10) Health Improves After Smokers Switch to E-Cigarettes

Independent university researchers conducted a study to find out whether switching to e-cigs had any influence on health. They concluded that 91 percent of smokers that switched to electronic cigarettes had notably improved health. They also noted that 97 percent had reduced or completely eliminated chronic coughs.

11) E-Cigs Reduce Risk of Tobacco-Related Death

Boston University of Public Health conducted a study to see how e-cigarettes impacted mortality risks related to tobacco. Researchers concluded, “Electronic cigarettes are a much safer alternative to tobacco.”

12) Electronic Cigarettes Are Effective for Smoking Cessation

The University of Catania conducted a study to learn whether e-cigs would be effective as smoking cessation devices. After six months, nearly 25 percent of participants had quit smoking completely. Over 50 percent had cut cigarette use in half.

13) E-Cigs Cause No Major Respiratory Impact

Researchers compared first and second hand impacts of exposure to e-cigarette vapor to learn how it would impact respiratory function. The result was that secondhand exposure to tobacco smoke was more damaging to lung function than first hand exposure to vapor from e-cigarettes. They concluded that e-cigs cause no acute respiratory impact.

14) Second Hand Exposure to E-Cig Vapor Poses No Risks

In a French study, researchers found that e-cig vapor dissipated within 11 seconds on average. In contrast, cigarette smoke lingered for an average of 20 minutes. They concluded that secondhand exposure to e-cig vapor causes no public risk.

These studies are just the beginning. Every month, we find out about new studies all over the world to discover the true impact of electronic cigarettes. So far, research clearly shows that e-cigarettes are a better alternative to tobacco use. What are other studies that you hope to see in the future?

There's a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot. ><((((º>-------------------------------------------

slika Modovi, akrilni stalci i 3D printanje

Povratak na vrh
 Naslov: Re: Istraživanja o električnim cigaretama
PostPostano: 17 ruj 2014 16:14 

Pridružen: 06 srp 2014 19:56
Postovi: 3965
Lokacija: Rijeka
:dobar: MaxZg

Vandyvbape pulse + Zlide top jer - ne da mi se :zu:

Povratak na vrh
 Naslov: Re: Istraživanja o električnim cigaretama
PostPostano: 05 stu 2014 19:20 

Pridružen: 09 srp 2014 18:06
Postovi: 13
Lokacija: Alojzija Stepinca 29 Lepoglava

Ako šutim nitko ne zna kolko sam glup,al ako predugo šutim mislit če da sam nijem.

Povratak na vrh
 Naslov: Re: Istraživanja o električnim cigaretama
PostPostano: 18 vel 2015 06:52 

Pridružen: 30 stu 2012 23:08
Postovi: 2488
Lokacija: Njemačka ... -in-public


Povratak na vrh
 Naslov: Re: Istraživanja o električnim cigaretama
PostPostano: 18 vel 2015 09:24 

Pridružen: 02 ožu 2011 14:18
Postovi: 11241
Lokacija: Samobor
Medo je napisao:

Sad nam jos treba dobrovoljac da napise vaperski bonton.

Ako su neki zivoti savrsena kruznica, drugi uzimaju oblik koji ne mozemo predvidjeti ni shvatiti. Gubitak je bio dio moga putovanja. No i pokazao mi je sto vrijedi.
Kao i ljubav na kojoj mogu jedino biti zahvalan.

Povratak na vrh
 Naslov: Re: Istraživanja o električnim cigaretama
PostPostano: 10 ožu 2015 12:55 

Pridružen: 24 sij 2013 18:51
Postovi: 592
Lokacija: zagreb grad ... n-the-lab/
:sanja: :sanja:


Povratak na vrh
 Naslov: Re: Istraživanja o električnim cigaretama
PostPostano: 07 tra 2015 01:34 

Pridružen: 04 vel 2013 16:14
Postovi: 558
Lokacija: Solin
E ovo nije dobro... WHO opet jaše?? Odnosi se na Kinu, ali može imati ogroman negativan utjecaj i na kompletnu svjetsku vapersku populaciju. ... facturing/
Ne daj Bože najcrnjeg scenarija...

iStick Pico + Merlin RTA, iStick 40W TC + Kayfun Lite Pawns

Povratak na vrh
 Naslov: Re: Istraživanja o električnim cigaretama
PostPostano: 07 tra 2015 08:30 

Pridružen: 02 ožu 2011 14:18
Postovi: 11241
Lokacija: Samobor
Goran_M. je napisao:
E ovo nije dobro... WHO opet jaše?? Odnosi se na Kinu, ali može imati ogroman negativan utjecaj i na kompletnu svjetsku vapersku populaciju. ... facturing/
Ne daj Bože najcrnjeg scenarija...

Ne treba nas to brinuti. U Kini se godinama vodi kampanja protiv parenja. E-cigareta ostecuje mozak, jetru, pluca, pimpek otpada ... i parenje cemo ostaviti glupim zapadnjacima a mi cemo pusiti zdravi kineski duhan. Tako da se tamo oprema moze kupiti samo u mracnim ulicicama. Ipak Kina ogroman prihod ostvaruje od uzgoja duhana.

Ako su neki zivoti savrsena kruznica, drugi uzimaju oblik koji ne mozemo predvidjeti ni shvatiti. Gubitak je bio dio moga putovanja. No i pokazao mi je sto vrijedi.
Kao i ljubav na kojoj mogu jedino biti zahvalan.

Povratak na vrh
 Naslov: Re: Istraživanja o električnim cigaretama
PostPostano: 07 tra 2015 08:32 

Pridružen: 13 srp 2013 18:42
Postovi: 857
Lokacija: Edmonton, Alberta
Aha, da kinom ne vlada pohlepni megaloman, nego da je nekakva demokracija u igri, možda bi nešto od toga i bilo. Ovako nema šanse da si ukine jednu od zlatnih koka :)


Povratak na vrh
 Naslov: Re: Istraživanja o električnim cigaretama
PostPostano: 07 tra 2015 19:52 

Pridružen: 05 ožu 2011 15:35
Postovi: 1487
Ja drugacije gledam na to....
Duhanski giganti nisu odustali od trazenja nacina kako sjebat ecig.

Povratak na vrh
 [ 86 post(ov)a ]  Stranica Prethodna  1 ... 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9  Sljedeća

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