Evo friski clanak iz nature.com, znaci znanstveni clanak i pravo istrazivanje kolicine nikotina prve i druge generacije "parilica" koja se dostavlja u organizam i bonus usporedba sa cigaretama:
In conclusion, new-generation EC devices delivering higher energy to the atomizer seem to be more effective than first-generation devices in nicotine delivery to the user and in reducing cravings for nicotine. However, both types of devices were significantly less effective in nicotine delivery compared to tobacco cigarettes when an 18 mg/ml nicotine containing liquid is used. It is reasonable to assume that nicotine levels in EC liquids should be considerably higher in order to improve their effectiveness in nicotine delivery, which is expected to make them more successful as smoking substitutes.
http://www.nature.com/srep/2014/140226/srep04133/full/srep04133.htmlPotvrđena su misljenja da ako pusis 24mg dobijes manje nikotina u organizam, a ne cistih 24mg, sto je po meni izuzetno pozitivna stvar - organizam se lakse prilagodjava na manji udio nikotina u krvi kroz duze vrijeme, zato je i lakse koristiti tekucine s manje nikotina i na kraju preci na 0mg tekucine i zapravo prestati pusiti / pariti ako to zelimo.