VAMO V6 3 - 20W u kitu za složiti 3 komada. (from my little china girl

Ne pitajte za cijenu, već su prodani

napokon se netko sjetio napraviti glavu na navoj, nema više potrebe za šrafštokom

a i druga cijev je na navoj

1. Puff count
Can use as power bank
can setting from 5 -30 second
voltage is too high screen display "HHHHHHH";
Remove the battery, external charger
If output short-circuit, when press the button,the screen shows "Short", promt output short-circuit. Then the output will not work, e
cigarette automatic protectio
LED Screen Display the power
Voltage <3.4V, or <6.0V(double lithium) the LED Display "Low Voltage" when press the button
>0.3 Ω
20w e cig pcb
one battery ( when output resistance<0.3 Ω), two batteries ( when output resistance <0.8Ω, OLED display “Over load X.X Ω” , no
output in this state.
single battery<50uA two batery <100uA
3W-20W adjustable. Automatic impedance matching atomizer achieve consistent amount of smoke output.
click button 5times in 2seconds, screen displays "Hello" than"system: ON" (Unlock,the same method)
There's a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot. ><((((º>-------------------------------------------

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