Ma to ti je normalno da se ne pojavi tracking i onda osvane poštar na vrata.
(objasnio ukućanima da ne diraju paket dok ne dođem sposla jer je e-cig pura nutra)
Destination Country - Croatia:Tracking Consuming:0 Millisecond, Cache Time:2013/12/28 23:17:14
2013-12-28 15:33, CROATIA, ZAGREB 10003, Insert item into domestic bag
2013-12-28 14:43, CROATIA, ZAGREB 10003, Receive item at office of exchange (Inb)
2013-11-30 12:23, CHINA, 201112, Receive item from customer
Origin Country - China:Tracking Consuming:0 Millisecond, Cache Time:2013/12/28 23:17:14
2013-12-06 00:00, 出口总包直封封发, 北京国际, 克罗地亚
2013-12-01 00:00, 出口总包互封封发, 上海国际, 克罗地亚
2013-12-01 00:00, 出口总包互封开拆, 上海国际, 克罗地亚
2013-11-30 00:00, 收寄局收寄, 闵行杜行, 克罗地亚
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